L’Anse aux Meadows, “Camping”, & Ketchup Chips

There is a nice museum at L’Anse Aux Meadows National Historic Site.

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A “How They Got Here” map was helpful
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There is a nice ‘path’ with islands to sail across to Iceland.
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Very brave sailing the open Atlantic in a ship like this model
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Heading west from Greenland, the sailors would hit what is now the east coast of Labrador, then sail south keeping the coast in view until they sighted Belle Isle which led them straight ahead to L’Anse aux Meadows
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This was our “campsite” while at St. Anthony. Our little 26′ RV is parked at the end facing forward. The majority of people on the tour had much larger “Big Rigs”. This was one of the least enjoyable surprises of the Adventure Caravan’s tour. We expected to be staying in more park-like settings, not parking lots. Most of the places we stayed were similar to this. Sometimes gravel, sometimes grass but basically a field with parking spaces, not campsites. Adventure Caravan’s made all the arrangements and honestly we would not have gone to Newfoundland without the planning and organization of Adventure Caravan’s – but be aware that everything is designed around accommodating the Big Rigs. If you have something smaller and more nimble there are nicer places to camp. Not pictured here are two camper vans, a truck-bed camper, a couple class C’s including Jennie’s View, and a few truck-trailer units that were part of our group.
Dutch Ketsup Chips
Yum Ketsup Chips
Lay's Ketsup Chips
Ruffles Ketsup Chip

Ketchup Flavored Potato Chips: I did not know such a thing existed. After tasting them I still wonder, why?
I tried to like them. Canadians seem to love them as they are everywhere. Maybe an acquired taste but this is one I hope stays in Canada.

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