The Tablelands, Gros Morne NP

We hiked a Tablelands trail up into “Winter House, Brook Canyon”

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Gros Morne Mountain in the background. Tablelands barren rock in the foreground. The hike begins much lower in a valley and climbs gently (but relentlessly) upwards to the Tablelands.
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Another view of Gros Morne on the hike before getting up to the Tablelands level
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Jennie & Roni on the trail up and one of the small streams of snow melt

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The carnivorous Pitcher Plant lives in the barren Tablelands because it gets nutrients from insects it devours instead of from the soil. The Pitcher Plant is Newfoundland and Labrador’s Provincial Flower.

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Peridotite: Green rock thrust up by continental drift from deep earth’s core
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From Wikipedia:

The Tablelands, found between the towns of Trout River and Woody Point in south west of Gros Morne National Park, look more like a barren desert than traditional Newfoundland. This is due to the ultramafic rock – peridotite – which makes up the Tablelands. It is thought to originate in the Earth’s mantle and was forced up from the depths during a plate collision several hundred million years ago. Peridotite lacks some of the usual nutrients required to sustain most plant life and has a toxic quality, hence its barren appearance. Peridotite is also high in iron, which accounts for its brownish colour (rusted colour). Underneath this weathered zone, the rock is really a dark green colour.
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More Peridotite:

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End of the trail: Winter House Brooks Canyon. Not like most National Parks… Usually there would be a sign telling visitors not to walk on the fragile alpine terrain. Instead, because there’s nothing to hurt except yourself in this place, they have a sign saying go wherever you want, just be sure you have navigation skills to find your way back.
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This photo from a different part of the park with the Tablelands in the distance. The barren landscape is a sharp contrast with the lush green of the rest of Gros Morne National Park and Newfoundland

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