Architecture/Photography & Left Eye Dominance

When I started this blog a few months ago I hoped it would be a tool to help improve my photography and perhaps identify some links between my profession (Architecture) and my enjoyment of photography. The other day I was watching my daughter hold the camera and remarked that her hold seemed odd to me, at which point everyone else said; “no, you are the odd one”

Thus I learned yesterday (to my surprise) that I fall in the minority of people who use their left eye with a camera viewfinder. A little googling and I found that about 2/3 use the right eye and 1/3 use left. I also learned that the “right brain” controls the left eye and vice versa. Ergo, it seems my left eye dominance indicates a right brain dominance. I had never noticed I was doing something different with the camera… it just seemed the natural thing to do. I am right handed and right footed which is apparently ‘weird’ for someone left eyed.I have never been a big fan of those who claim to have discovered the universal code for “you are the way you are because” (birth order, birth date, etc.) so I will refrain from attaching a great deal of significance to my left eye dominance, but it is interesting and maybe it touches in a small degree on why I enjoy Architecture and Photography? At the very least they are both very creative and very visual endeavors.

Just as there are left handed role models out there for left handed people, I will be content to be left eyed like Joe McNally.

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