Bummer, Broken Camera

Waiting to see how camera insurance works out. Being far less than graceful, I slipped and fell on some wet pavement; the camera went flying and the lens parted company with the body… sending the 105mm 2.8 VR lens back to Nikon for repair. The D80 camera isn’t worth the repairs it would take (if it could be repaired at all). Hoping a replacement gets worked out quickly. Feels sort of awkward not having a camera. I had taken just shy of 50,000 shots (49,700ish) with the camera and it’s shutter is ‘test rated’ at 50,000 cycles so maybe it was a blessing just-in-time?

50,000 shots in 50 months = 1,000/month avg
50,000 shots in 210 weeks = 238/week avg

I was curious how that compares to other photo nuts? I found a poll at Digital Photography School (interestingly it had about 50,000 respondents). Based on that poll, I would be somewhat ‘above the average’ meaning about 75% of people polled took fewer photos per week and 25% took more. That makes me feel a little better that I’m not completely obsessed, just 25% more obsessed than the ‘average’ photo nut.


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