Coincidence Again

Here’s a photo of E, J, & K that I caught on Monument Circle.
I share this for two reasons: 1. I like it, 2. It proves we were downtown again on 02/02/2012 with K in a backpack seat, which is the point of the rest of this post…
Super Bowl XLVI__DAD6102_1

I occasionally look at the “searched for” info on my wordpress and flickr sites, just to see what brought people to wander in. This morning I saw someone had searched on: “Indy photographer superbowl 2012” and then landed here on wordpress. I put the same terms in a search engine and found that my Super Bowl photo posts come up pretty close to the top of the results list; that was interesting but not terribly surprising.

The surprising part came next… scanning a few of the other search results I noticed a photography post about ignoring the super bowl; intrigued, I clicked on it. I looked through the assortment of interesting downtown Indy photos and was about to move on when a photo of my Son-in-Law and Grandson scrolled into view. WHOW! How?, Who?, Why? What are THEY doing on this guys blog post?

What are the chances?
There were hundreds of thousands of visitors to downtown but on 02/01/2012, some person I don’t know (Rob Slaven):
a. Takes a random photo of my Son-in-Law and Grandson
b. Decides to post it on his blog
c. I ‘stumble across it’ totally by accident while chasing someone elses search string

Here’s the photo: (I’d link it straight to Rob Slaven’s blog but I couldn’t figure out how to do that)
The chances seem incredibly remote, nearing impossibility, but this coincidental serendipity seems to happen to me more often than I would ever expect (see my post titled “Honor or Offense?” Sept 3, 2011 –

Well that’s my statistical brain stumbler for the day. Thanks to Rob Slaven for making the day more interesting. It really is a small world out there. I had links to Rob Slaven’s blog but they have all broken and it now says “the authors have deleted this site”